Science Technology Engineering & Math (S.T.E.M)
Our Science and Math program engages children in exploring, questioning, probing and problem-solving. This is achieved through planned teacher directed activities as well as hands-on play-based experiences.
Children are natural mathematicians. They learn these concepts by exploring the world around them as math is everywhere. At les Garderies K.I.D.S. children explore and learn concepts organically. Daily routines such as meal times introduce children to the concepts of smaller and bigger and fractions (quarter, half, full).
At les Garderie KIDS children learn about different inventors and scientists and the importance of their inventions and discoveries (Alexander Graham Bell – Telephone / Galileo – telescope).

At les Garderie KIDS children learn about different inventors and scientists and the importance of their inventions and discoveries (Alexander Graham Bell – Telephone / Galileo – telescope).

Cooking and science classes allow children to use math and science.
Throughout the day:
- Children practice shape recognition (ex. square, circle, triangle, rectangle, oval, hexagon, octagon etc.)
- Children use size comparisons (ex. big, bigger, biggest etc.)
- Children learn to recognize and duplicate basic patterns
- Children count the days in each month during daily calendar in circle time
- Children make one to one correlations when counting
- Children make basic scientific predictions (Water freezes at cold temperatures, seeds grow into plants, water evaporates)
- Children are introduced to graphing
- Children are introduced to coding
Benefits of early exposure to S.T.E.M. concepts:
- Early exposure to S.T.E.M. concepts promotes confidence and innovation. S.T.E.M. gives children the ability to question and think critically
- Early exposure to S.T.E.M. concepts prepares children for the ever-changing digital world.
- Early exposure to S.T.E.M. concepts promotes creative thinking. All great inventors started with a new idea. Being introduced to science, technology, engineering, and math is exciting for children.
- Early exposure to S.T.E.M. concepts promotes confidence and innovation. S.T.E.M. gives children the ability to question and think critically
- Early exposure to S.T.E.M. concepts prepares children for the ever-changing digital world.
- Early exposure to S.T.E.M. concepts promotes creative thinking. All great inventors started with a new idea. Being introduced to science, technology, engineering, and math is exciting for children.